458_2420_I'm ready! 459_2422_Hope we have e#1D5 460-Waiting for Chris 463-Still waiting for Chris 466-Here Comes Chris 467-Chris not out of th#1A4 468-The handoff to Kathy 470- Kathy cruising along 471-Kathy thinking abou#1A6 471a_2423_Not a bad day 472-I'm on the Reach th#1B4 473-Kathy running the d#190 473a_2424_So far so good 474-Could Jason be up top 477 - Ahh Shade 480- The quiet before Leg 3 481-Jason tying his shoe 483-Jason getting his I#195 484-Jason checking his #196 485-Kathy post handoff #1B5 485a_2425_It's just 8 m#1DD 486-Now I'm ready for t#1C0 486a_2426_I did it oh, #1DC 487-Jason on his down h#1C1 488_2427_Jason look at #1DB 489-Kathy to Jason- It'#198 490_2428_Where's my hap#1E0 491-Carolyn -would you #199 493-On my own again 494-Ian Should I talk o#1C2 495-the Ubiquitous Whit#19B 497-Ian waiting for Jason 498-Ian getting psyched up 498a_2429_where are the#1DF 498b_2430_tu tu fast fo#1DE 499-Jason's last dash 500-Ian shaking Jason's#1C3 501-Traffic on the road 502-Ian rounding the bend 503-Ian-This isn't so bad 505-The handoff to Carolyn 506-Carolyn off and run#1A1 507-Carolyn just keeps #1D9 507a_2431_Carolyn's turn 508-Ian contemplating w#1A0 508a_2432_I've picked o#1E2 509-More roadside assis#1C7 510-Kathy-Can I run alo#1C6 511-Where's Chris 511a_2433_I'm ready, wh#1E3 511b_2434_the handoff 511c_2435_no we don't h#1E5 511d_2436_no one told m#1E6 512-Clouds moving in 516 Sleeping like a baby 517-Dreaming about the #1C9 521-Neal coming in for #1A5 522-Neal is feeling good 524- The phantom runner 525-Chirs ready for his#1A8 526-Phantom Kathy 527-But Jason, you have#1CB 528-Where is Chris 529-Jason looks for gui#1AA 530-Illuminating Jason 531-Jason coming in for#1CD 533-Unusual sightings i#1AC 535 Ghosts of past RTB #1AD 538 Are any of these fo#1CE 539- Porto-john line in#1AE 541-Rule 36-you must re#1CF 542-Your mom is with us#1AF 544- Kathy and Chris ha#1DA 545-Chris pumped and re#1CC 546- Kathy is still ene#1B0 547-Looking good, Chris 549-Jason ready for the#1D2 551-Jason tells us late#1B3 557 Feeling groovy 558-Jason handing off t#1D3 559-What else will Ian #1B6 560-Ian gets roadside a#1D4 561-Ian ready to go again 562-the blur of running#1B1 565- No medical support#1B8 567-Carolyn ready to go 568- Ian hands off to C#1BA 569a_2439_Just one more#1E7 569b_2440_I could do an#1E8 569c_2441_Dave's not he#1E9 569d_2442_Van 1 got 'er#1EA 569e_2438_Donna and Sup#1EB 570-Watching for Neal a#1BB 573-Running in with Nea#1D6 576 Over the Hill team #1D7 579-Over the Hill team #1BE 581-Reach the Beach fin#1BF