Airmail Art Project #1

My sister, Mary Ann is a wonderful artist of many mediums (painting, metal craft, etc.). She lives in NC and I live in TX, so we can’t get together to “make” art. So we decided to give art by mail a try. We would start with a 2 dimensional piece of paper, photo, book page, etc…and send it to the other person who would do anything to it/modify it in anyway they liked. Add paint, tear into another shape, attach other flat’ish materials…and then mail it back to the first person. We would send it back and forth, until one of us decided it was done. And then we would start the process over again, with another 2 dimensional item.

So I was pegged to start this process. What to send??

Airmail Art Project #1

Early in 2020, I had decided to do a project trying out different ways of transferring photo images or using photos to make prints, rather than printing out traditional photographs. So I found a test image transfer of a trumpet flower blossom unfolding…and sent Mary Ann both the original copy of the photograph and the image that had been transferred. Below are those two original images and the altered art that my sister sent back.

Original Photo Copy for Image Transfer

And here is what my sister sent back:

Altered Art #1
Altered Art #1
Altered Art #2
Altered Art #2 Unfolding Trumpet Flower Blossom
Original Image Transfer
Original Image Transfer

and here is what my sister sent back:

Altered Art #3
Altered Art #3 Unfolding Trumpet Flower Blosson

We decided Mary Ann’s alterations on the original images were done enough…and to start our second Airmail Art Project. Stay Tuned!!

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